Hey Kids Update
We will be completing our transition from digital church—to real church this Sunday June 28!
Going forward, we will be meeting in the Lighthouse Church parking lot (in Mammoth) at 4pm each Sunday! Bring a lawnchair/blanket, hat/sunscreen/mask, coffee/tea/water, and come join us! We have some coloring activities for kids, but definitelyfeel free to bring anything you’d like:)
Thankyou for hanging out with us digitally through March/April/May and the first few weeks in June! We can’t wait to now see you in real life! Blessings!
Father’s Day - June 21 2020
Read Luke 15:11-32
Parable of the Lost Son
God has given us fathers who love us even when we mess up and make the wrong decisions. Dads are not perfect, and they don’t hold it against us for being imperfect. We should appreciate and be thankful for our fathers, and remember our Heavenly Father who forgives our sins and loves us very much!
Something cool to remember - A Dad’s forgiveness is a reflection of God’s forgiveness.
Craft - Father’s Day Card for Dad
What you need
Paper, Markers, Crayons, Glue, Scissors, String, etc
What to do…
Write or draw pictures of 5 things that you love about your Dad (or someone special to you)
Decorate the card with all kinds of fun things, including leaves, rocks, anything you can think of!
Give it to them!
“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.”
Exodus 20:12 (NIV)
Unknown Heros - June 14 2020
Read Acts 10:23-35, 44-48
A hero doesn’t just listen to God, they obey Him too.
All of the first followers of Jesus had been Jewish people. Some of them believed that only certain people could believe in Jesus. But God called Cornelius to seek out Peter to prove that God’s love and salvation was for everyone.
Vid Questions
-Who was Cornelius?
-Why is Cornelius a hero?
-Why is it important that we not only listen to God but obey God?
Craft - Listen and Love Phone
What you need
Two cups
Twine or string
What to do
Ask your parents to help you cut a very tiny hole in the bottom of both cups
Put a piece of the twine/string through both cups and knot the ends
Draw hearts on the cups to remind you that God loves everybody, no matter where they are from or what they look like or how they act.
Get your brother/sister or friend to grab one of the cups
One person talks and the other listens…it should work like a phone
Say something encouraging to the other person and then trade and they can do the same for you!
God loves all of us…He cares so much about each one of us. We are all His favorites, He made us and we are His kids. When we listen and obey Him, it makes His heart so happy. He loves when we love Him and we love people.
Unknown Heros - June 7 2020
Mordecai + Esther
Heroes always serve and help others. Heroes are brave!
Read Esther 2:19-23, 4:1-17
First Mordecai acted to save the life of the king. Next Mordecai worked with Esther to save the lives of all the Jewish people. A real hero is someone like Mordecai. They help when they are needed. They take action immediately. They serve others, knowing that by serving, they are sharing the love of God with someone in need. Let’s ask God not for super powers, but super awareness. Let’s open our eyes and ears this week to the people around us so we can spring into action when we are needed. Real heroes lend a hand when it is needed. Let’s be ready to put our hands in action and help others every chance we get.
Craft - I Am Brave Rocks
These will be reminders any time we need to remember that we Are Brave!!! Keep them in a place where you can see them and know that with God you can do anything!
You will need
-a rock
-a Sharpie
-paint brushes
-cup of water
What to do
-write “I Am Brave” on a rock with a Sharpie
-paint the rock with any colors you like
-find a spot to put the rock where you will see it often
You are Brave!!!! God is on your side… keep your eyes open and look for ways that God needs you to be a superhero for Him.
Unknown Heros - May 31 2020
Read: 2 Kings 22:1-4, 8-11, 23:1-5, 21-23
It doesn’t matter how old we are…God wants us to always follow Him, and study and obey the Bible. God knows that each of us are important and can do mighty things when we give our lives to Him.
Josiah - Our unknown hero was only 8 years old when he became king! It was a good thing he had godly men around him, and when he learned about the one true God, he felt sorry for the sins of his ancestors. God used Josiah to bring repentance to the land. Josiah did everything he could to stop people from worshipping false gods and renew the covenant with the Lord. He was a good king who had the courage to lead his people back to the Lord. Josiah shows us the power of God’s Word. Not only did it stir the heart of a king, it changed the heart of his nation. Even though Josiah was young when he became king, he was a great king because he had Jesus in his heart and led his whole nation into a real relationship with the one true God.
Craft - Crowns
We are children of the most High God and because of that we are royalty, Princes and Princesses. Lets make really creative crowns to remind us of our royalty! It is so important to remember who we are…and to remember each of us is so special, including all the people around us!
What you need:
-Any kind of paper, cardboard, flowers, legos, or anything to form the crown
-Tape, scissors, glue, string or any other materials to put your crown together
-Feathers, jewels, rocks, beads, toys, a bunny… anything to decorate your crown
-A phone or camera to send us a picture or video of your crown (lighthousemammoth@gmail.com)
Unknown Heros - May 24 2020
Here are the winners from last week’s challenge:
This week, we’re going to look at Heros!! A hero is someone who leaves a legacy, whose impact can be seen and felt for years. That’s the story of today’s unknown hero, a woman by the name of Lois.
Lois is barely mentioned in the Bible, but the few things we know about her show us how important it is to serve God and share His love. Lois was the grandmother of Timothy, a young believer who became a student of Paul’s and later a pastor. Lois loved the Lord and shared her faith with her daughter and her grandson. She probably never left her hometown, never went on any missionary journeys, never did anything “big” in her life. Yet her faithful service had a big impact on the Christian world.
Lois passed her faith to Timothy. Timothy passed his faith on to the people he pastored. From one generation to the next, the name of the Lord Jesus was spread, and it all goes back to Lois. What’s more, Lois is still inspiring us today. This brief passage in 2 Timothy has inspired generations of parents and grandparents and even great grandparents to boldly share about Jesus. We want to challenge each of you to do that as well, to serve in such a way that your acts of love and kindness make an impact for years to come.
It’s easy to think that God only moves in big moments. We love to look at the big stories of the Bible, like Jesus feeding the 5000, and we see the power of God in action. But as Lois shows us, the power of God moves in small ways every day.
Your act of kindness to a hard-to-love friend could plant the seed for them to know Jesus. The prayer you say with someone who is hurting, could turn them to Christ and change the direction of their life. You never know what moment, what action is going to make that deep impact. We need to live every moment for the Lord, listening for His guidance and obeying His Word.
It all starts when we ask Jesus to come into our heart and save us from our sins. If you’ve never made that commitment to follow Jesus, you can do that today. We’d love to share the faith Lois passed on to Timothy with you and help you get started on your walk with Jesus. This could be a moment that changes your life for years to come, and in turn, changes the lives of the people around you. You can make a difference. You can change the world in small but powerful ways for years to come. If you’re ready to start your hero’s journey, this is your invitation, just ask your parents how to ask Jesus into your heart as your Saviour.
Planting Seeds - Just like Lois did with her grandson, only this time…we will be planting plant seeds *ask your parents for some help
What you need:
A cup
What to do:
Fill your cup with soil
Make a few tiny holes in the soil with your finger
Put a couple seeds in each hole
Cover the holes with soil
Pour a little water over the soil
Keep the cup in a sunny place
Watch your seeds grow!!!
Lois planted the seeds of a faith in Jesus in Timothy’s life, and as he grew up, those seeds of faith grew and grew too! Timothy later became a pastor and planted many many more seeds in people’s lives, all as a result of what his grandma had planted in his life.
Unknown Heros - May 17 2020
Be brave and stand for what’s right.
Read: Nehemiah 1:1-11 & 2:1-8, 17-20
Nehemiah was an exile, he didn’t live in his homeland, instead he lived in a strange land. When he learned that the wall around Jerusalem (the home of his people, the Jews) had been destroyed, he was very sad, even though he didn’t live there. He was very brave and boldly asked the king in the land he was living, for permission to go to Jerusalem and rebuild the wall. Nehemiah had great favor with the king, he granted him safe travel and permission to go build the wall. Nehemiah started to build the wall with some people, but they were teased and others were not very nice to them. Nehemiah knew that rebuilding was God’s heart, he was brave and stood for what’s right…he rebuilt the wall no matter people said. God was proud of him.
Was there a time when you had to be brave? Did you have to stand up for what was right even if you were teased or made fun of? What did you do? Or what would you do, if this has never happened before?
Activity: Build a Wall
How big of a wall can you build?
Using any materials to build a wall (check with Dad & Mom first!!)
Take a photo to send to us at: lighthousemammoth@gmail.com
We can’t wait to see the walls that you build!!!
Unknown Heros - May 10 2020
Heroes always do what is right. A hero has to do what’s right even when no one else will.
Read: 1 Kings 22:6-28,
King Ahab wanted to go to war. He surrounded himself with false prophets who all told him that he would be successful in battle. Only the prophet Micaiah understood the truth and had the courage to speak it: King Ahab would fail if he went to battle. Micaiah listened to the voice of the Lord and had the courage to speak what God said, even if it was the opposite of what everyone else was saying. It wasn’t the popular or cool thing to do…but Micaiah knew it was the right thing to do!
Have you ever had an experience like this? What did you do?
I Am Brave Painting
What you will need:
-White Crayon
-White Paper
-Water Color Paints
-Paint Brush,
What to do:
-use the White crayon to write “I AM BRAVE” on the paper
-paint with the water color paints all over the whole page
-let it dry
-you will be able to see the I AM BRAVE coming through all the colors!!
-hang your picture up to remind you that You Are Brave
Unknown Heros - May 3 2020
Joshua + Caleb
Read the 12 Spies story:
Numbers 13:26-32 + Numbers 14:6-10
None of the Israelites had ever seen the Promised Land. All they knew about it was what Moses had told them: it was a land that flowed with milk and honey. All twelve of the spies agreed, the land did flow with milk and honey, and had the largest grapes they had ever seen, but 10 of the 12 were afraid of the terrible armies that occupied and defended the land!
Caleb saw something the others did not. When he saw the honey in the Promised Land, he saw a promise kept. God said he would bring them to the Promised Land, and they were right on the edge. God promised the land had plenty of honey. Caleb saw it was true. God had fulfilled so many promises for His people, Caleb knew God would give them the land. He believed in God’s power.
Being a hero doesn’t require a big name or big action. Just big faith. When we believe in the power of God, we can do anything. Instead of focusing on the danger ahead, focus on the promises of God. Believe in God’s power, and you will do great things for the Lord.
Craft: Grapes from the Promised Land!
What you will need:
-Green & Purple paint,
-2 paint brushes,
-a glass,
-a paper plate,
-a large piece of paper
What to do:
-On the sheet of paper, paint the vine or top of the grapes with green.
-Put purple paint on the paper plate and use the top of the glass to ‘stamp’ circles on the paper in the shape of grapes.
-Now you have huge grapes, like those in the Promise Land!
April 26 2020 - Reading the Bible (part 2)
How did last week go? Did you practice learning about Chapters and Verses? Did you have a pop quiz? How did your Bible Hopscotch work out? Send us your pictures!
Here is a bible pop quiz, how fast you can find + read theses verses?
Psalm 23:1-6
John 3:16
Jonah 3:4-5
Now that you have read Jonah, here is a little video about the beginning of the story…
Here is an Animals of the Bible Q+A:
Test your bible skills on this Scavenger Hunt:
April 19 2020 - Reading the Bible
Often we get to read amazing stories from our storybook Bibles, but today we want to learn more about how to read other versions of Bibles with Chapters and Verses. Let’s practice!
Grab your Mom & Dad and get them to read Luke 19: 1-10
Note for Mom & Dad: have your child practice finding the book (table of contents is in front of the Bible), and then chapter 19, and verses 1-10. If your children are experts at this already: make it a pop quiz and see how fast they can find each passage!
Bible Qs about Chapters + Verses
What is a Chapter, what is a Verse? Why was the Bible written that way?
Was it difficult to find this story?
Can you tell someone else how to find this story?
Here’s a video about Zacchaeus from Luke 19:1-10
Here’s some great Qs to answer for any Bible Story:
Who is the Story about?
What happens in the story?
Where is God in the story?
What does this story have to do with me?
Bible HopScotch Game
Here’s a fun Game to help you remember the books of the Bible…
What you will need:
Two different colors of Chalk
Large area on the ground (pavement is great) where it is ok to write with chalk
What to Do:
Use one color of chalk to draw 27 squares (the amount of books in the New Testament). Trade off drawing one square and then two squares joined together.
Next, use the second color of chalk to write the name of each Book of the NT in each square (you can use the Bible for this to help you remember all the names of the books!)
Play hopscotch while memorizing each Book. (Hint, it helps to say them out loud while hopping on or over them).
***For Extra Credit, try the Old Testament next….and send us pictures!!!
April 12, 2020 - Happy Easter
Today is a very special day as we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. He died so that we could be saved, healed and delivered…and rose again as only the one true God can do!
Read Mark 16
*(also, if you have a chance, read the last chapter of the other Gospels: Matthew 28, Luke 24 & John 20-21 to get a bigger view of the resurrection of Jesus)*
Why did Jesus have to die on the Cross?
How do you ask Jesus into your heart to be your Lord and Saviour?
Can anybody ask Jesus into their heart?
Should everybody?
How do I know if Jesus is in my heart?
Craft #1 Let’s make a Cross
What you will need:
-Painters tape (or something like it to keep the shape of the cross while you paint over it)
-Paints and paintbrush
-or markers, crayons, etc
How to make it:
-Grab a piece of paper
-On the paper make a cross with painters tape (or anything else you can find)
-Paint or color over the cross
-Remove the tape, etc
-You have a beautiful cross!
Craft #2 The Open Tomb
What you will need:
-Playdough or peanut butter (anything you can shape or mold)
How to:
-Shape one part of the clay nice and flat—this will be the ground
-Shape the next part into a little cave. This will be the tomb.
-Roll a ball to be the rock/stone that was rolled away from the tomb
-If you would like an extra challenge: you can try to make angels, Mary at the tomb, flowers around it, etc
*Send us pic of your creations: lighthousemammoth@gmail.com or tag us on Insta*
Easter Song:
APRIL 5 2020 - I’ve got the Joy of the Lord!
It’s Palm Sunday everyone. A day of great rejoicing as Jesus enters Jerusalem. The people stood and waved branches and spread them on the road as Jesus entered the City. They cried out “Hosanna to the Son of David! ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!’ Hosanna in the highest!”
Read together: Matthew 21:1-9
Here’s a little vid of the people and the palm branches:
Let’s make some Palm Branches
What you will need:
-3 or 4 sheets of green paper (different shades of green are fun)
-pen or pencil
-scissors (get your parents to watch or help you cut these out)
-a stick, or popsicle stick or anything you could glue your branches on
How to make it:
1. trace your hand/s 4 or 5 times on the different sheets of paper
2. cut the hand prints out
3. glue the prints together at angles so they look like leaves
4. glue the leaves to the stick/branch
5. wave it around and shout “Hosanna!”
Joy Game
Move from sad to glad anytime with this funny game!
Stand in a circle with your family members. Pass a balloon, soccer ball, potato, or something similar to the person next/across from you. Whoever the balloon/etc is passed to has to say or do:
-Say something that brings them joy
-Say something that they are thankful for
-Say someone who makes them laugh
-Say something that makes them laugh
-Do a silly dance
-Spin around 3 times
-Run into the kitchen and back
-Laugh the funniest laugh you can
**Try to pass the balloon/etc as fast as you can while doing these!!!
Pray Together
Jesus, thank you for making the greatest sacrifice of all…for dying on the Cross for me. Thank you for loving me so much that you would go through the ultimate sadness so that I can be your Child. Thank you for wrapping your arms around me when Im sad or glad. Thank you that I can always talk to you and that you will never leave me. You are with me always, and I love you. Amen
MARCH 29 2020 - Love the Lord your God!
Let’s read Deuteronomy 6:4-7 + Mark 12:30-31 together!
Also, there’s this fun little video:
A couple Questions to answer with your parents:
1. How do you love God with all your heart?
2. How do you love God with all your soul?
3. How do you love God with all your strength?
4. How do you love God with all your mind?
Heart Art Activity
Let’s create some hanging hearts to remind us of these bible truths!
What You Will Need
4 different colors of paper
Pen or Marker
How you make it:
Cut out one large heart and 3 smaller hearts
Attach the hearts with string
Write on each heart, the greatest commandment
Hang up the heart in a place that you will see often
Excellent Job Everyone!!
MARCH 22 2020 - Jesus calms the storm!
Let’s read the story of Jesus calming the storm in your children’s Bible: Mark 4:35-41. Or watch this little video:
A Couple Questions for you:
Who was afraid in the storm?
Who wasn’t afraid?
What would a storm look like in our lives?
What did Jesus teach/show us by what He did in this storm?
Let’s build a boat!
What you will need:
-Half an empty avocado (cleaned)
-Glue or Clay (we ended up just using clay)
-Cut the piece of paper in half (so that it makes 2 triangles)
-Poke two holes in the paper
-Put straw through the paper
-Use clay (or glue) to fasten “sail/s” to avocado
-Test out your boat
Prayer time:
Take some time to pray together as a family for:
- peace and faith during any storm
- that any storms in our lives would “Be Still”.
- for our town, country, and the world—that they would find Jesus, the Prince of Peace, and encounter His peace during this storm!!
Bless you Kids!